- So tell me about these colliding galaxies - is it something I should be concerned about?
well of course you should
- but it might happen again and again?
very likely, there will be some rebound, once they settle into their own compact arrangement then they will likely rebound again
but I think you know what you want to ask, just say it
- it's also an opportunity
yes it is
- because we can use the approach velocity of the two galaxies to launch whole planets
hell, whole star systems
- spheres?
- so if we have some spheres ready by then we can use the orbital...
assuming the three body problem is solved, which I think you know it is
- yes, we can use those orbital approach vectors to fire out spheres like seeds to...
- to not just the local galactic space, but as far as we can
- including to the nearest edge of the cosmic microwave background radiation
or any edge, or any interesting feature
- sounds like quite a long term project
just the type I like
2018-06-14 0838)UK T.P.
- just to have a mid dialog time point :)
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- Natural accelerators
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